Saturday, December 13, 2014

Promosi Collagen Powder

"RM0.00 Shaklee: Due to Product Registration guideline change, Collagen will be unavailable for sale after Dec'14 pending re-registration which takes 9-12 mths. Hence Shaklee is offering a special Buy 3 Free 1 promo now to support our valued distributors with sufficient products till product registration is achieved."
Alhamdulillah sempat order beberapa set Collagen Powder Shaklee sebelum OUT OF STOCK utk kegunaan sendiri dan pelanggan tetap ku...
Entah bila plak blh jumpa dgn collagen ni...
Sesiapa rasa nk chop sblm habis blh contact sy ye 013-4807930...
#SayaJualShaklee #CollagenPowder

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Khasiat & Manfaat ESP Shaklee

Selamat Pagi...
Anda dah sarapan? Kalo belum boleh cuba shake ESP Shaklee ni...
InsyaAllah kenyang berpanjangan...
Sebenarnya byk lagi KEBAIKAN & MANFAAT ESP Shaklee ni...
Anda akan tahu apabila merasainya...
ESP Ready Stock!!!
Baiti 013 480 7940
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